The Revanta Surya Homes is presented by the Revanta Multi State CGHS Limited. This residential venture is situated in K-L Zone, Dwarka. The Zone ‘K’ covers an area 12439 Hectares having two subordinate zones K-L Zone with an area of 6515 Hectares. The sub zone is surrounded by a Delhi Rohtak Railway line in the North, accessible HT power line on the West, frontier of the Dwarka sub city on the west.
The aims of the Master Plan for the creation of sustainable physical and social surroundings for enhancing the superiority of life.
For decreasing the pollution level creation of the green region & the open spaces & management of the natural resources has been measured, in this zonal plan. While organizing the detailed sector layout plan, this feature shall be suitable taken up.
The Revanta Surya Homes will include:
- Hi tech infrastructure development.
- Eco friendly atmosphere.
- High frequency mass conveys system.
- 24 hour Water and Power supply
- High speed web service coverage
- Receptive emergency medical services.
- Devoted bicycle lanes
Healthcare: The proposition for encouraging human services assets to meet the necessity of 20 Lac populace and to give 5 clinic beds for each thousand populace.
Educational Facilities: according to arrangements and standards in the Master Plan, 53.6 hectares of area are to be preserved for advanced education.
Sports Facilities: Besides the 17 hectares that as of now exists, new games offices must be given in a chain of importance of divisional Sports Center/Golf Course, District Sports Center and Community Sports Center.
Transportation: another street system has been worked out comprising real streets of 45m and 30m width, interfacing effectively affirmed 100 m street going along the high strain line and with limit of zone 'L'.
Wellbeing & Security: Adequate number of Police Stations/Police Posts and Police Lines should be given in the zone to open hobby.
Recreational: according to the Master Plan, 15% of the urbanisable territory of the zone are to be kept under the green/recreational exercises.
Disaster Management: Delhi is in high seismic zone IV need to give the Disaster Management Center.
Fuel Station: Petrol Pump and CNG stations might be given according to the standards and to be demonstrated while setting up the area arrangement.
Correspondence: Two plots of Head Post office each 2500 What's more, two plots of Telephone Exchange each of 2500 sq.mts. are to be given. Residential Property in India
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